live in

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live 1

v. lived, liv·ing, lives
1. To be alive; exist.
2. To continue to be alive: lived through a bad accident.
3. To support oneself; subsist: living on rice and fish; lives on a small inheritance.
4. To reside; dwell: lives on a farm.
5. To conduct one's life in a particular manner: lived frugally.
6. To pursue a positive, satisfying existence; enjoy life: those who truly live.
7. To remain in human memory: an event that lives on in our minds.
1. To spend or pass (one's life).
2. To go through; experience: lived a nightmare.
3. To practice in one's life: live one's beliefs.
Phrasal Verbs:
live down
To overcome or reduce the shame of (a misdeed, for example) over a period of time.
live in
To reside in the place where one is employed: household servants who live in.
live out
To live outside one's place of domestic employment: household servants who live out.
live with
To put up with; resign oneself to: disliked the situation but had to live with it.
live it up Slang
To engage in festive pleasures or extravagances.
live off/on the fat of the land
To enjoy the best of everything; live in comfort or luxury.
live up to
1. To live or act in accordance with: lived up to their parents' ideals.
2. To prove equal to: a new technology that did not live up to our expectations.
3. To carry out; fulfill: lived up to her end of the bargain.

[Middle English liven, from Old English libban, lifian; see leip- in Indo-European roots.]

live 2

1. Having life; alive: live animals. See Synonyms at living.
2. Of, related to, or occurring during the life of one that is living: a live birth; the live weight of an animal before being slaughtered.
3. Of current interest or relevance: a live topic; still a live option.
4. Informal Full of life, excitement, or activity; lively: a live crowd at the parade; a live party.
5. Glowing; burning: live coals.
6. Not yet exploded but capable of being fired: live ammunition.
7. Electricity Carrying an electric current or energized with electricity: live cables lying dangerously on the ground.
8. Not mined or quarried; in the natural state: live ore.
a. Broadcast while actually being performed; not taped, filmed, or recorded: a live television program.
b. Involving performers or spectators who are physically present: live entertainment; a live audience.
10. Of, relating to, or containing living bacteria or active viruses, sometimes in an attenuated form: live yogurt cultures; a live measles vaccine.
11. Printing Not yet set into type: live copy.
12. Sports In play: a live ball.
At, during, or from the time of actual occurrence or performance: The landing on the moon was telecast live.

[Short for alive.]

live′ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

live in

vb (intr, adverb)
(of an employee, as in a hospital or hotel) to dwell at one's place of employment
1. living in the place at which one works: a live-in maid.
2. living with someone else in that person's home: a live-in lover.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: in - live in the house where one works; "our babysitter lives in, as it is too far to commute for her"
board - provide food and lodging (for); "The old lady is boarding three men"
sleep out, live out - work in a house where one does not live; "our cook lives out; he can easily commute from his home"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
bydlit v místě práce
búa á vinnustaî
çalıştığı yerde kalmak/kalmamak

w>live in

viim Haus/im Wohnheim etc wohnen, nicht außerhalb wohnen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in classic literature ?
Here's the site, and here's the modern, up-to-date city, with the latest improvements for yourselves and your workmen, to live in.'"
As they gather for the spring block party on the Peabody's extra lot, the residents of Hillcrest Way think how lucky they are to live in old houses and among the kind of people who understand old houses and their architecture--Tudor, Colonial, Spanish Mediterranean.
Their careers brought them both to Gurgaon where they decided to live in. Malhotra owned an apartment in Gurgaon so Kapoor just had to move in -- that spared them the ordeal of house- hunting.